Quick Reviews: Primeval (4/18), Chuck (4/20), Heroes (4/20), Medium (4/20), Fringe (4/21), Krod Mandoon (4/22), Smallville (4/23), Supernatural (4/23), Ghost Whisperer (4/24), Dollhouse (4/24), Caprica Pilot on DVD.
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Tuner Minute – Double Standards Share your thoughts on this topic or read what other people think? Join in the forum discussion here.
Back Porch:
0:31:11 – Chuck 4/20 (episode 2.21 “Chuck Versus vs. The Colonel”)
0:37:04 – Heroes 4/20 (episode 3.24 “I am Sylar”)
0:43:34 – Fringe 4/21 (episode 1.18 “Bad Dreams”)
0:51:19 – Supernatural 4/23 (episode 4.19 “Jump the Shark”)
1:00:51 – Dollhouse 4/24 (episode 1.10 “Haunted”)
Hosted by Wendy Hembrock, Brent Barrett and Kevin Bachelder. Recorded on 4/26/09.
Edited by Brent Barrett.
Theme song graciously provided by Beatnik Turtle.
Promo for Geek Spin podcast.
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