Tuning in to SciFi TV #52

October 20, 2009

heroescircusBattlestar Galactica:The Plan DVD Contest, Poll about TV schedule conflicts.

Water Cooler:
Quick Reviews: Heroes 10/12 (4.05 Hysterical Blindness), The Guild 10/13 (3.07 Coping and Stuff), Eastwick 10/14 (1.04 Fleas and Casserole), Flash Forward 10/15 (1.04 Black Swan), Supernatural 10/15 (5.06 I Believe the Children Are Our Future), Fringe 10/15 (2.05 Dream Logic), Smallville 10/16 (9.04 Echo), Ghost Whisperer 10/16 (5.04 Do Over), Medium 10/16 (6.04 The Medium is the Message), Stargate Universe 10/16 (1.04 Darkness), Sanctuary 10/16 (2.02 End of Nights Part 2).

Listener voicemails, FlashForward puts up big numbers in international markets, ABC orders 9 more episodes of FlashForward, Fox will air all Dollhouse episodes, Game of Thrones adds more cast, Fringe producers answer questions, Another theory on why vampires are popular now.

Tuner Minute: Dance With Who Brung Ya. Join in the forum discussion here.

Back Porch:
32:10 – Heroes 10/12 (4.05 Hysterical Blindness)
42:20 – Flash Forward 10/15 (1.04 Black Swan)
49:50 – Supernatural 10/15 (5.06 I Believe the Children Are Our Future)
58:25 – Fringe 10/15 (2.05 Dream Logic)

Episode #52 hosted by Wendy Hembrock, Brent Barrett and Kevin Bachelder. Recorded on 10/18/09. Edited by Brent Barrett.

Theme song graciously provided by Beatnik Turtle.

Promo for 7th Son: Descent.

You can listen to the episode now by using the ‘Play’ button below.

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