On this podcast Bonnie and Kevin do something that their listeners have been asking for months! They interview each other. They talk about how they came to Wynonna Earp, their thoughts on the show, the fandom and much more!


Bonnie and Kevin now have a Patreon page so you can help them to bring even more Wynonna Earp coverage to the Earpers! You can find that page here…

Bonnie and Kevin’s Patreon page.

Here are some helpful links…

Wynonna Earp Official Twitter account
Wynonna Earp Official Facebook page
Wynonna Earp Fans Twitter account
IDW Publishing Wynonna Earp page
TV show theme song, “Tell That Devil”, is by Jill Andrews

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One thought on “Tales of the Black Badge – A Wynonna Earp Fan Podcast #83 – Bonnie and Kevin Interview Each Other”
  1. Loved this interview! I may have even teared up a time or two. ? You two make a great team, & the fandom and the show itself are lucky to have you both. Thank you!

    P.S. Bonnie, if you love great music and beautiful actors, you must go see The Greatest Showman. It is the best!!!! I may have even teared up a time or two then, too. Apparently, I’m easily moved.?

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