Theme song graciously provided by Beatnik Turtle.

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One thought on “Tuner Minute 428 – That Time of Year”
  1. May is busy enough with Birthdays and end of school, but I also travelled for a wedding so I am about a dozen episodes behind on my favorites. I have 1-4 episodes to finish about 4 different shows.
    Then I still have the binge monster of 12 Monkeys to enjoy, including a favorite podcast.
    I am cutting the podcasts of those first four to save time.
    I NEED the breather but June and July look like b\my calendar will bloom again!
    I love a sense of completion so I love the “break” but I miss the days of leisurely rewatching of favorites.
    Sigh, It is a glutinous time to be a genre fan.
    Love it all, Love you guys, but have been having to cut the ends off the podcast to avoid spoilers.

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