**SPOILERS** (if you’ve been living under a rock…)
He’s coming! Lucifer should be busting through the white beam of light that ended Supernatural season 4 in just under 7 hours. Creator Eric Kripke said this will be the “fun Apocalypse”. Tune in tonight to see how Supernatural season 5 offers “Sympathy for the Devil” at 9pm EST/8pm CST on the CW.
More spoilery info and preview clips for tonight’s episode follow the break.
Let’s recap season 4: Sam Winchester (Jared Padalecki) and brother Dean (Jensen Ackles) were divided by secrets and trust issues all last season. Sam was drinking blood and practicing his weirdo powers over demons. Dean was reliving guilty memories of torturing souls in hell. They both did their parts to break the seals and bust Lucifer out. Will they be united in fighting to save earth and protect humanity from the turf war between the angels and the demons?
Lucifer may look a lot like Rita’s ex-husband from Dexter, but he could be a whole other kettle of evil for our Winchesters, and their gang of Scoobies (Bobby, Castiel, Chuck). Lucifer does drive a cool car… though not as cool as Metallicar.
Check back for our discussion of Supernatural on the next episode of Tuning in to SciFi TV and join in the conversation our forum.