
FringeA little late, but still jam packed… What we couldn’t get to earlier in the week?  It’s all here…

You can listen to the episode now by using the ‘Play’ button below or click the link to read more detailed show notes.

00:50 Fringe
07:45 Primeval
12:37 Being Human US
16:28 Top 100 Genre Shows Countdown
18:30 V Cast Departures
19:20 Post your own ratings on the SBMR blog posts
19:59 Potential Cast for Becoming Part 2
20:12 Zork mention on Big Bang Theory and Chuck
Documentary ‘Get Lamp’
21:18 Kenzi (aka Ksenia Solo) on Nikita
22:52 Bar Karma iPhone app
24:58 The Cape
26:25 Smallville
28:48 True Blood Casting News
29:33 Saturn Award Nominees

2 thoughts on “Tuning in to SciFi TV #126 – Last Call”
  1. The Fringe showrunners have stated Peter and Olivia’s childhood memory gaps will be explained down the road.

    Besides the Walternate reveal the episode showed us events that until now we had only been told about. Necessary? No. A good episode for showing us these moments and building the emotional connections. Elizabeth’s last scene with Peter was so poignant.

    And, as mentioned, it was way cool.

    Some groundwork laid for Olivia too. Her abilities exceed anything hinted at before. Sure to have payoff later this season when the Machines are activated.

    As usual, great job. Kudos to you all.

  2. Pillars of Earth, which you talked about briefly in the podcast, is available on Netflix streaming right now. I’ve watched the first episode; it seems to be semi-historical fiction.

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