On today’s podcast Kevin and Bonnie are thrilled to be joined by Dominique Provost-Chalkley who plays Waverly Earp on the show. We discuss some of Dom’s personal experiences over the past 2+ years as well as some of what Waverly has gone through in the first half of season 4! Safe to listen to after you have seen season 4 episode 6 “Holy War part 2”.

You can find Dominique Provost-Chalkley online at the following links…

Her website

Here are some links for Start The Wave…

You can find a transcript of his interview here.

Bonnie and Kevin now have a Patreon page so you can help them to bring even more Wynonna Earp coverage to the Earpers! You can find it here.

Here are some helpful links…

Wynonna Earp Official Twitter account
Wynonna Earp Official Facebook page
Wynonna Earp Fans Twitter account
IDW Publishing Wynonna Earp page
TV show theme song, “Tell That Devil”, is by Jill Andrews

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2 thoughts on “Tales of the Black Badge – A Wynonna Earp Fan Podcast #194 – Dominique Provost-Chalkley Season 4a Interview”
  1. I came out in the late 1990’s (in my 30’s). I am so glad that we now have such wonderful representation across all media. This midlife queer mama is so proud of all of you. Thank you

  2. love Dom so much. Such a gorgeous soul. All the bests energys to them. I finally have the courage to be who i am.

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