Wendy and the Small Council continue their review of all the matters of Game of Thrones season 7. In part 2, they discuss MVP actors, best and least liked story arcs, give props to the work behind the scenes, rank the episodes, and hand out some honorable mentions. Stay to the end for the epic poetry inspired by the season!

Contact the Small Council – Leave a Speakpipe audio message. Follow the Small Council Matters podcast – Small Council Matters Podcast @SCM_Pod on Twitter.

Listen to the episode using the ‘Play’ button below. Follow the break for links, images and other details.

Part 1 of the Small Council’s Review of Season 7
Season 7 ReviewContinued
– MVP Actor
– Best/Favorite Story Arc
– Least Favorite Story Arc
– Best Moment
– Behind the Scenes / Production Highlight
– Rank Ordering the Episodes
– Honorable Mentions
– Inspired Poetry!

Thank you for listening. Contact the Small Council – Leave a Speakpipe audio message or call us at 706-927-8478.
TIST Small Council Matters @SCM_Pod
Wendy @WendyHembrock
Shannon @TNRLM
Jesse @JesseJacksonDFW
Christine @C_Peruski

Missed a previous episode? Here are the Small Council Matters podcasts.

Hosted by Wendy Hembrock. Recorded on 9/19/2017. Edited by Brent Barrett.

Music by Break of Reality used with permission.

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