Tuning in to SciFi TV #13
Watercooler: Voicemail question: What is Sliders?, Listener Voicemail – What is Sliders? Warehouse 13 preview clip, SciFi Return Week 2: Tuesday 1/20 Fringe, Wednesday Jan 21 - Lost returns, Five…
Tuner Minute #13 – Love Affairs
Love Affairs - recorded by Kevin Bachelder. Theme song graciously provided by Beatnik Turtle. Want to share your thoughts on this topic or read what other people think? The forum…
Tuning in to SciFi TV #12
Watercooler: Voicemail question: Shows we're anticipating, Dollhouse countdown clock, Sci Fi Week #1 Return of Legend of the Seeker 1/10, Supernatural 1/15, Battlestar Galactica 1/16, Ten Things You Need to…
Tuner Minute #12 – What is Television?
What is Television? - recorded by Brent Barrett. Theme song graciously provided by Beatnik Turtle. Want to share your thoughts on this topic or read what other people think? The…
Tuning in to SciFi TV #11
Watercooler: The next Doctor Who to replace Tennant, Sci Fi Week January 12-21! (return of Kyle XY, Supernatural, Battlestar Galactica, Fringe, Lost),Demons in the UK, Blast from the Past: Buffy…
Tuner Minute #11 – Optimism
Optimism - recorded by Wendy Hembrock. Theme song graciously provided by Beatnik Turtle. Want to share your thoughts on this topic or read what other people think? The forum discussion…
Tuning in to SciFi TV #10
Watercooler: Stargate Universe casting news Tuner Minute #10 - Shows we obsess over Want to share your thoughts on this topic or read what other people think? The forum discussion…
Tuner Minute #10 – Obsession
Obsession - recorded by Brent Barrett. Theme song graciously provided by Beatnik Turtle. Want to share your thoughts on this topic or read what other people think? The forum discussion…
Tuning into Sci Fi TV #9
Watercooler: Listener Voice-mail from Korea! Voice-mail Question, New segments, Supernatural and Big Bang Theory in Top 10 shows growing in key demographics, Mid-season breaks for Heroes, Terminator:The Sarah Connor Chronicles…
Tuning in to SciFi TV #8
Watercooler: Reaper returns 3/17, Lost Producers talk seasons 4 and 5, Heroes "The Recruit" webisodes, Time's Top 10 TV episodes, and Top 10 TV Series, Legend of the Seeker on…
Tuning in to SciFi TV #7
Watercooler: Caprica picked up by Sci Fi, Flash Forward to pair with Lost, Fringe hiatus until 1/20/09, Legend of the Seeker re-running first two episodes, Bryan Fuller back to Heroes,…