sgu_02The latest Stargate spinoff arrives this week! The Icarus mission is made up of a mixed bunch of civilian scientists led by Dr. Nicholas Rush (Robert Carlysle) and career military led by Colonel Telford (Lou Diamond Phillips) and Colonel Everett Young (Louis Ferreira).

The other side of this wormhole looks darker and grittier than the wise-cracking O’Neill gang stuck beneath Cheyenne Mountain. Not only will the scientists and Air Force butt heads, but there’s probably politics and intrigue ahead since Senator Alan Armstrong (Christopher McDonald), the head of the Icarus project’s government oversight, is aboard with his daughter Chloe (Elyse Levesque). Did someone say power struggles and romantic conflicts ahead?

This merry band is lost in space aboard an Ancient ship – Destiny. I hope somebody’s got the Ancient DNA to help steer this boat! Will these humans live long enough to figure out how to get back home to earth? “All of this has happened before, and it will all happen again” (aboard the Galactica). Or not. Let’s hope this third trip through the Stargate franchise goes boldly where the other two haven’t gone before.

Stargate Universe launches on Friday, October 2 at 9pm EST/PST with the 2-hour premiere of “Air” parts 1 and 2.   Syfy is offering folks near the NYC area a chance to win a seat at the October 2 premiere with the cast!

One thought on “Stargate Universe Preview – a different Destiny?”
  1. Saw the premiere Friday night. Was not that impressed. None of the characters are likable. It looked expensive, like all the money was spent on the special effects and not the writing. This is what SGA was cancelled for? I don’t get it. I will continue to watch in hopes it will get better, but right now all I see is a piss poor Battlestar Galactica / Star Trek Voyager / Lost in Space rip-off.

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