We’re Taking a Week Off… Mostly
Due to some scheduling issues and real life demands, we've decided to skip a regular show and last call this week. However, look for a new Saturday B Movie Reel…
The viewer's guide to genre television
Due to some scheduling issues and real life demands, we've decided to skip a regular show and last call this week. However, look for a new Saturday B Movie Reel…
You can listen to the episode now by using the play button below or click the link to read more detailed show notes. Today, we talk about: 00:36 George R.R.…
This week we heard about the following upcoming genre TV show DVD releases... Lost Girl season 4 (purchase link coming soon)
Feedback Call our voicemail line anytime - (206)202-4182 Water Cooler Enter our contest to possibly win Continuum season 2 on DVD or Blu-ray. Tuner Minute: Snag It Join in the…
Wendy and some of the GoT gang - Christine Peuruski, Shannon Clarke, and Kimberly Thompson - get ready for the return of HBO's Game of Thrones with this pre-game show…
Theme song graciously provided by Beatnik Turtle. Want to share your thoughts on this topic or read what other people think? The forum discussion thread is here. You can listen…
You can listen to the episode now by using the play button below or click the link to read more detailed show notes. Today, we talk about: 00:31 Real History…
This week we heard about the following upcoming genre TV show DVD releases... True Blood season 6 (purchase here)
Feedback Call our voicemail line anytime - (206)202-4182 Water Cooler Enter our contest to possibly win Continuum season 2 on DVD or Blu-ray. Tuner Minute: All In Join in the…
Well, here we are. After daily head to head voting for seven weeks, the final five slots have been filled. Here are your top five current genre shows on television.…
We're back today with nine more results from the 2014 Show Off, your ranking of current genre shows based on daily head to head voting. #14 Community [caption id="attachment_5446" align="alignnone"…