Firefly is an American Space Western Drama television created by Joss Whedon. The series only lasted 14 episodes but is beloved by it’s fandom. The series focuses on the crew of the Firefly Class ship Serenity. The cast featured multiple actors who went on to have strong careers in other TV shows (both genre and non genre) including Nathan Fillion (Castle, The Rookie), Gina Torres (Suits, 911: Lone Star), Alan Tudyk (I, Robot, Powerless, Resident Alien), Morena Baccarin (Homeland, Gotham, Deadpool), Jewel Staite (Space Cases, Stargate Atlantis, Family Law), Sean Maher (The Playboy Club, voice of Dick Grayson in multiple DC Animated Films), Adam Baldwin (Chuck, My Bodyguard, Angel), and Ron Glass (Barney Miller, The New Odd Couple). The story continued in the film Serenity and continues in multiple comic book stories.
J. Michael Straczynski
J. Michael Straczynski talent as a writer and a producer first caught the Science Fiction community eye, when he created Babylon 5. This Hugo award winning series differed from most contemporary Science Fiction TV series at the time because of an overall arc and the way that the show did not maintain the status quo. In addition to Babylon 5, JMS (as he signs his posts) wrote and produced Crusade, Jeremiah and Sense8. He has written for Marvel Comics (Spider-Man, Thor and Fantastic Four) and DC (Superman, Wonder Woman & Before Watchman). His independent comic work includes Rising Stars, Midnight Nation, Dream Police and Ten Grand. He is one of the first TV producers to actively engage with fandom via the internet boards during the filming of Babylon 5.
(Entry by Listener Jesse Jackson)
Sir Patrick Stewart